Tuesday, March 1, 2016

5 Misconceptions About Igorots and the Truth About Them

by: Felisa Daskeo

Mr. Carrotman’s sudden surge to online stardom has made many Filipinos asking if Jeyrick Sigmaton is really an Igorot.
Credit to Paul Louie Serrano
Igorots are the most talked about indigenous people in the Philippines today because of Mr. Carrotman who is from Barlig, Mt. Province. Many people are asking the true identity of an Igorot.

Are Igorots really as good looking as Mr. Carrotman?

There’s this one post in FB that said, Jeyrick doesn’t look like an Igorot because he is not dark with curly hair.

There is nothing to be curious about or nothing to wonder about an Igorot because we are actually not far different from other Filipinos. Igorots are the indigenous group of people with traditions, beliefs and practices that are different from other Filipinos but this does not mean that Igorots are people who look different or who act differently from other Filipinos.

The misconceptions about Igorots and the truth about Igorots.

  • Igorots have tails. Many people think that igorots have tails. They don’t have tails because they are human beings and not animals that is a fact. But if the tail is referred to the G-string, yes, Igorots wear G-string but only during occasions where it is needed. After the celebrations, they discard the G-string and wear their normal clothes such as jeans, shorts, shirts, or pants. They don’t wear that loincloth everyday.
  • Igorotslive in tree houses. Some people believe that Igorots are still living in tree houses just like those built by the first Filipinos up on the trees to protect themselves from their enemies and wild animals. This is not true. Igorots live in sturdy-built houses that could withstand storms and earthquakes.
One of the several Igorot Villages in the Cordillera.
  •  Igorots are short, dark, with curly hair. Definitely not true. I have never seen an Igorot who is like an Aeta. Igorots are mostly fair-skinned with black straight hair just like most Filipinos.
They are all Igorots. Three of them are teachers, one is an accountant and one is the wife of the Baranggay Captain.

  • Igorots do not know how to cook. If you are talking about gourmet cooking, I would say yes. Igorots cook simple meals without many food enhancers. That was what it used to be, but in this technologically rich society, many Igorots have learned to cook too just like other Filipinos. In fact, their popular “pinikpikan” has evolved too.
Traditional cooking of glutinous rice to be wrapped in banana leaves.

  • Igorots are still primitive. Definitely not. In this computer age, Igorots live a lifestyle just like the other Filipinos in the lowlands. They have big, beautiful houses. They have furniture and appliances at home. They have computers and gadgets. They eat adobo, kare-kare, fried chicken, sinigang, sweet and sour, spaghetti, pancit, pizza, hotdog, hamburger, etc.

Igorots may not be the “fashionistas”, they love jeans and shirts, They are not “maarte”, and they prefer to look simple and conservative, and not “maluho” they are very frugal and spend their money only in necessities, but they are definitely not primitive people.

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